How to Choose the Ideal Length and Texture for Your Loc Extension?

Picture Halle Bailey or Lisa Bonnet without their locs. We bet you can’t. Both celebrities regularly choose loc extensions so perfectly suited to them that the hairstyle has become part of their brands. If you’re looking to start your own locs journey you too can achieve a flawless look that’s guaranteed to turn heads. It’s simply a matter of ensuring your locs blend seamlessly with your own hair.
To do that you’ll need to choose loc extensions that are the ideal texture for you. You’ll also want to figure out what length would work best for your particular features. Here’s a guide to everything you need to know before choosing your ideal locs extensions. But first, a crash course on loc textures.
Loc Extension Textures and Lengths: A Crash Course
Your hair texture is probably different from your friends’ hair and vice versa. Thanks to DNA, the hair spectrum ranges from bone-straight to kinky curly and also from thin to thick densities. Loc extensions mimic these textures and densities or sizes. They also come in different lengths that make it easy to choose the right length for your face shape and lifestyle. Here are the textures, sizes, and lengths of loc extensions you can expect to choose from:
Afro- Kinky Loc Extensions vs Straight Extensions
Afro-kinky is the most common type of loc extension due to its ability to match coarser types of African American hair. You can get curly extensions in premade human hair locs or in bulk human hair if you are willing to make your own locs from bulk hair. You can also find synthetic locs that almost mimic the kinky-curly texture, so you’ll have the choice of both types. If you have Caucasian or a straighter hair type you can also get straight locs to match your texture. These will likely be human hair.
Loc Sizes Ranging from Microlocks to Wicks
Picture Halle Bailey again. Now try to imagine the always sexy Lenny Kravitz. Did you immediately imagine how much thicker Lenny Kravitz’s locs are when compared to the Little Mermaid star? Loc extensions come in different densities (called sizes) to give a variety of styles. You can get tiny microlocks just as easily as you can get bigger wicks. Here’s a quick rundown on the loc sizes normally available
●Microlocs: thinnest type of locs at (0/2 cm)
●Small Sisiterlocks: a size loved by celebrities like Lupita Nyongo (0.4 cm -0.6cm)
●Medium Size Locs: Lisa Bonnet and Chloe X Halle wear this size (0.8-1.0 cm)
●Large Locs (1.0-1.4 cm)
●Wicks: more popular among men but anyone can wear them (4cm and above)
Loc Extension Lengths
Popular lengths in premade loc extensions range between 6 inches and 20 inches. You may also find lengths up to 40 inches in some stores. Longer lengths give a glamorous style while those starting a permanent loc journey prefer shorter, more manager starter locs. We will look at how to choose the best length for your needs later. First, you’ll need to choose the right texture. Here’s how:
How To Choose the Best Texture for Your Loc Extensions

Match Your Own Hair Texture
Standing out isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But you want to stand out for the right reasons. Loc extensions that don’t match the wearer’s natural hair texture stick out like a sore thumb. Choose a texture that matches the texture of your natural hair if you want your locs to be undetectable. If you have straight hair go for straight locs. If you have curly or coily hair choose one of our afro-kinky options to ensure the attention you get is for looking good and not for mismatched locs.
Consider the Density of Your Hair
You’ll also want to match the density of your natural hair for both aesthetic and protective reasons. If your hair is medium or thick density you can get away with sisterlocs, medium locks, or even larger-sized locs (if you can comfortably wear that size). These will look flawless as they will fit into your own hair density. If you have thinner hair you’ll want to stay away from larger and heavier locs. Not only will those sizes not match your density and texture but they will cause breakage by pulling on your thin strands with their heavier weights.
Consider Costs of Your Ideal Loc Extension Texture If Budget Is An Issue
Since you can get kinky-curly extensions in both synthetic and human hair, you may want to choose the more affordable synthetic locs to meet your budget or to fulfill your specific hair goals. For instance, if you get bored easily and plan on switching between different lengths and colors of locks, or on installing locs as a temporary hairstyle that you will discard in a month or two, synthetics may be best. However, there is one case when you should never choose synthetic loc extensions.
If you plan on wearing your locs as a permanent hairstyle, we do not recommend synthetic locs. Synthetic locs can lose their luster and cohesiveness easily, making you stand out for frizzy, disheveled locs instead of the beautiful long-lasting hairstyle you desire. If price is an issue for you, we pride ourselves on affordable human hair locs that will give you the look you desire without breaking the bank.
After choosing the right texture, your next step is to choose the best length. Here are some tips:
3 Tips For Choosing the Ideal Length for Your Loc Extension Length
1.Always Consider How Much Time You Have to Maintain Your Locs
Build-ups of oil and debris at the roots of your locs can lead to stress on your natural hair and ultimately cause breakage. Because of this, proper hair care is crucial if you’re considering loc extensions. But with today’s busy lifestyle, it can be near impossible to dedicate large amounts of time to caring for your locs. If that sounds like you, choose a length you can confidently care for so that your locs retain their beauty and don’t cause damage to your hair.
Shorter lengths are easier to wash and dry properly. They also take less time to install when first adding them to your hair.
2.Choose a Length That Suits Your Lifestyle
Women have always chosen hairstyles based on how easily they fit into everyday life. For example, pixie haircuts became popular because of how well they do in hot weather, Similarly, when choosing locs, go for a length that will suit your lifestyle. Live a hectic lifestyle where you're always running around or getting hot? Choose short to medium loc extensions. Work in an air-conditioned office and never have to worry about heat? You can get away with longer locs if that’s what you desire.
Other things to consider include whether you play sports or whether your job requires hairdos that stay out of sight (for example if you work in the food industry.
3.Choose the Loc Extension Length That Complements Your Face
Lastly, you’ll want to choose the length that fits your face. We can’t get into the art of complementing face shape with hair length but here’s a rundown of what lengths fit what types of faces:
●Heart Shaped → Medium length to long locs
●Oval Shape → Any length complement this versatile face shape
●Square Face → Medium lengths to long lengths with layers
●Long Face → short to long if some volume is added at the sides
●Round face → long locs are best
Loc extensions can give you a hairstyle that is both culturally significant and gorgeous. Look your best by following these tips to choosing the best texture and length for your loc extensions and you’ll have heads turning everywhere you go. Ready to start your journey? Check out our human hair premade locks or our afro kinky bulk hair.